Finally. Like how I would usually stress my hyper postings on Facebook and Twitter, I'd say "finally."
And authentically, unabashedly, liberatingly, here it is - my first ever blog. Finally!
Oops, if "liberatingly" somehow jarred your traditional grammar, be less surprised by the posts to come. 'Cause they'll be laden with what could have been the other name of this blog - Kristoffisms.
Such words off my own world, my own gamut of experiences, my own colloquy. And no one can stop me from coining more. I like them random, raw, and exacting of my emotions and musings.
But since "liberatingly" is more like gold dust than my own coinage, let me start my Kristoffism with this -
What is happainess?
It is sitting down in an ice cream cafe.
Making his first blogspot.
Wolfing down an irresistibly lickable cup of chocolate sorbet.
And forcing up a poo scuffling its way out of me.
Now, if you have a better term that can outdescribe Happainess, then let me call you a genius...
of your own blog!
As this is mine, let me be my own genius.
PS: To the visuals, get my genius from my picture above. Yes, that's happainess in a photographic nutshell.
I suggest you resist the temptation to call me irrelevant at this point as what you're about to read in the subsequent days' postings about how happainess curdled from my otherwise complete, fluid life, might move you to a. tears, b. tickles, c. frowns, d. smirks, e. all of the above, depending on your taste, upbringing, or biases. |
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