Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm in Love but its Color's Not Red

At least for tonight.
There was a sudden pinch at that pulsating organ inside my chest.
But it shall pass.

And while it doesn't want to be Red tonight, it also doesn't want to be Black as in coffee-black either.

Okay, that was a sheer jolt of jealousy.
But no big deal.
No red flag raising, promise.
Or black brows either.

Good thing I shopped some new make-up thingy stuff with my bestfriend earlier. Timely mask I must've gotten for the embittered face. At one point, even almost read "I can sense something's going on w/ you. How is you?"

I guess my concealer was faster on impulse to say "I'm okay."

Just felt I should've known not the bit last, or not me knowing it on my own.
That it's Red or tall-black who's with you in that hectic, impenetrable room.
Or at least, at first sight from my nap, it wasn't "whatta good-looking newbie we have. oh you're there!"

Yeah I was.
I am.
All along.
And my feelings too are also here.
Present. Breathing fast. Jealous? No. Yearning.
Wishing I were them.
Okay, that's jealousy in another dictionary now considered obsolete for illogicalities.

Don't fret, Jack Skellington.
You're hot your own way.
Not hot in temper.
Look at the mirror.

Instead, think you've got someone's loyalty strapped.
Talk about TRUE BLUE.
True Blue LOVE.

Okay, stop talking. 
It's jogging time with brother and mom tomorrow. 
Dun mo na lang ilabas ang selos mo, Jack.
At least you're still feeling a tinge of jealousy. That's called affection. You are gravely affected.

In another world, things could've shut out the world swift as the arms of indifference may envelop me.

But no.
I care.
And my heart minds.

It shall pass.
I'm cool.
I'm the bigger person. I shall understand more.
And don't forget that "unconditional love," you promised KristoPersnickety.

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