Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today is Thursday, Tomorrow is Friday, We-we-we So Excited

I just got Blackd!

For one, that's my latest LSS. NO, NO, NO, not that by Rebecca but by the gLee boys.
Then, here's this unexplainable feeling of looking forward to tomorrow's dawn.

Could it be the muscle pain I'll feel from today's workout (after more than a month of hiatus, come on!)?

Could it be the nearness to the day I might run 10K again on Saturday with my goodest friends Frey and Allen (after more than a year of hiatus, another come on!)?

Could it be the possibility of someone asking me out on a Friday night (*jingle*)? 

Could it be me movie-marathoning my newest VCD (yes, no DVDs were on sale) purchases?

Could it be some occult event in store for me coming on the fourth of November in 2011?

Could it be my projection that tomorrow my voice will be back in tiptop shape (after 3 weeks of damage thanks to taxing taping in Tanay & Quezon and almost a month of heart-mending inebriation, everybody now "come on!")? 

Alas, videoke season is just 'round the corner!

I don't know.
Who does?
No one.
But for tomorrow, I am no less than excited.