Monday, July 2, 2012

Spiderman's Amazing!

Okay, I admit it: I was initially skeptic about watching The Amazing Spiderman. Thought twas too early for a remake (or a "reboot"). But after finally giving in to growing raves, I was simply swept away by how AMAZING the DIRECTION is (fittingly helmed by Marc Webb), how AMAZING the SCREENPLAY is (well-timed humor, sensible drama & rollercoaster ride-like plot points), and how AMAZING an ACTOR Andrew Garfield is. In a nutshell, the movie HUMANIZED Spiderman - got drawn more to how feasible Peter Parker's story in real life is than to how high-tech effects make a movie one whopping visualfest. 8.8 out of 10 stars!

Favorite tearjerker scene: The "He made you promise. Didn't he?"
Favorite comic scene: Stan Lee's cameo! 
Favorite scene: Stan Lee's cameo!!!
Favorite PBB Teens Scene: The "Don't make your promises you can't keep. Those are the best kind"

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